Replacing Text in Multiple Text Files
Place the following code in a text file and rename it with the extension .vbs. Place all the files you wish to perform the replace on ina single folder. Next, double click on it and give it the folder path containing your text files, the string you wish to search for and the string you wish to replace it with when prompted. That's it!
On Error Resume Next Dim oFSO ReplaceWord Sub ReplaceWord() Dim x,y,z Dim oFolder, oFile Set oFSO=CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") x=trim(inputbox("Enter folder path:")) If x="" Then exit Sub y=trim(inputbox("Enter string to find:")) If y="" Then exit Sub z=trim(inputbox("Enter string to replace:")) If z="" Then exit Sub Set oFolder=oFSO.getfolder(x) If oFolder Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Folder does not exist!" Else For Each oFile In oFolder.files ReplaceInFile(x & "" & Next End If End Sub Sub ReplaceInFile(strFile,strFind,strReplace) Dim strTemp Set oTxt=oFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile,1) strTemp=oTxt.readall oTxt.close strTemp=replace(strTemp,strFind,strReplace) Set oTxt=oFso.CreateTextFile(strFile,TRUE) oTxt.write(strTemp) oTxt.close End Sub