Set up an ADO Database Connection String
Here is some code that enables a user to get the correct connection string in order to connect to the required database. Sometimes the syntax of this can be a little tricky so here is a utility that we can use to do the hard part for us.
Option Explicit Sub Get_A_Connection() '************************************************************************* '* The following code enables the user To get a valid connection String * '* For use when returning data To Excel using ADO. * '* * '* Requires references To the following: * '* 1. Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x Library * '* 2. Microsoft OLE DB Service Component 1.0 Type Library * '* * '* Special thanks To XL-Dennis For code & idea sharing ("2 heads > 1") * '************************************************************************* Dim cnADO As ADODB.Connection Dim objFinder As MSDASC.DataLinks Dim strCon As String 'Set up reference To the relevant ADO Objects. Set objFinder = New MSDASC.DataLinks Set cnADO = New ADODB.Connection On Error Goto Err_stop 'Show the Database Connection wizard strCon = objFinder.PromptNew 'Test connection. cnADO.Open strCon 'show connectionstring In messagebox MsgBox strCon 'Print the connection String To the VBE Immediate Window. Debug.Print strCon 'Clean up. ExitPoint: cnADO.Close Set cnADO = Nothing Set objFinder = Nothing Exit Sub Err_stop: If Err.Number = 91 Then Resume ExitPoint End If End Sub