Obtaining Column Letter From its Number
There are many ways to determine the column letter relating to a given number in Excel. Among the worst of these I've seen is a typed array of letters! This is one of the better ways:
Function GetColumnAlpha(x As Integer) As String Dim y As String y = Application.Cells(1, x).Address(FALSE, FALSE) GetColumnAlpha = Left$(y, Len(y) - 1) End FunctionCurrently the code will rasie a runtime error if you pass it a number greater than 255 or less than 1 i.e. out of the excel column boundaries. You could add a check in here if you wanted it to return a null string for example instead e.g.
Function GetColumnAlpha(x As Integer) As String Dim y As String If x>0 And x<256 Then y = Application.Cells(1, x).Address(FALSE, FALSE) GetColumnAlpha = Left$(y, Len(y) - 1) End If End Function