Making an exe Delete Itself After Execution
The idea behind this code is to create a batch file to delete the exe when the exe has closed. The sub should be called as the last thing before the app ends.
Private Sub DeleteMe() 'create a textfile called DelMe.bat Dim fNum As Long fNum = FreeFile Open App.Path + "DelMe.bat" For Output As #fNum 'stop any Output To the screen Print #fNum, "@echo off" 'line name Print #fNum, ":start" 'attempt To delete the app Print #fNum, "del " + App.EXEName + ".exe" 'if unsuccessful try again Print #fNum, "if exist " + App.EXEName + ".exe goto start" 'now delete the batch file Print #fNum, "del " + App.Path + "DelMe.bat" 'close the file Close #fNum 'finally shell the batch file Shell App.Path + "DelMe.bat", vbHide End Sub