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Listing Subfolders Using the FileSystemObject

written by Mark Rowlinson - Last updated Mar 2006

This piece of code will list all folders on the desktop. To run it you will need to add a reference to the microsoft scripting library.

Sub ListFoldersOnDesktop() 
    Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject 
    Dim f As Scripting.Folder 
    Dim w As Object 
    Dim strPath As String 
    'create a shell Object To get desktop folder With 
    Set w = CreateObject("") 
    'get desktop folder path - other constants are available 
    strPath = w.specialfolders("Desktop") 
    'create fso 
    Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject 
    'get a reference To the desktop 
    Set f = fso.GetFolder(strPath) 
    Dim s As Scripting.Folder 
    strFolders="Folders:" & vbnewline 
    'loop through the folders on the desktop 
    For Each s In f.SubFolders 
        strFolders=strFolders & vbNewLine & s.Name 
    MsgBox strFolders 
End Sub