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Use of parentheses

written by Helen Toomik - Last updated Oct 2004

The rules of thumb:

If you put parentheses where there should be none, it can sometimes lead to subtle errors that are difficult to understand. For example, say you have a procedure that takes a textbox object as an argument:

Public Sub Highlight(ByVal xText As Object) 
    xText.SelStart = 0 
    xText.SelLength = Len(xText.Text) 
End Sub 

You try calling it like this, and it doesn't work:

Highlight (txtFirstName) 

You can see that VBE has inserted a space before the parentheses. That's a sign that parentheses are not needed.

In a situation like this, where the sub has only one argument, adding parentheses in the wrong place does not cause a compile error. Instead, VBE interprets the parentheses as being around the argument, and not the argument list. In doing that, it turns a reference to the textbox object into a reference to the object's default property. So in this case, what gets passed to the sub is txtFirstName.Text and not a reference to the object itself.

The following example should emphasise this point:

Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Dim tb As TextBox 
    Set tb = Me.Text1 
    Tester tb 
    Tester (tb) 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 
Sub Tester(v As Variant) 
    MsgBox TypeName(v) 
End Sub