VB Links
- Batch Files - A useful tutorial on using batch files
- Edanmo's VB Page - Some excellent examples on a nice site, particularly good COM code examples
- Freevbcode.com - A good site for coding examples (also covers several other languages)
- MSKB: Regular Expressions - Introduction to using regular expressions in VB/VBA/VBScript, at MSDN
- Regular Expressions - User-friendly introduction to regular expressions, at JuicyStudio
- Shell Objects for use in VB Scripting
- Ivan F Moala - Advanced VBA/API/WMI
- Mentalis.org - For all your Win32 API needs, in particular check out API guide
- MSKB: Set volume controls using VB
- VB and Multi-Threading - A meticulous insight into Threading, it's theory, dangers and safe implementation
File I/O
- Text file encoding - Learn what bytes to use to encode text files, for example unicode
- DB forums - A useful forum for database programming
- Extreme VB Talk Forum - A great site for all programming problems, especially VB
If you would like to suggest a link please email suggestions@thecodenet.com.